Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Homeopathy? Is it Biblical?

Does it violate the principles of God's Word?

As Christians, we are taught to evaluate our beliefs and practices in order to assess whether or not they adhere to God's Word.

"By their fruits ye shall know them"-Matt.7:20-

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, founder of homeopathy, born 1755, died 1843.

As a young student he devoted himself to the study of medicine in order to "triumph over death." He was an ardent student of the works of Hippocrates and Paracelsus, whose concepts "find a comfortable fit in the Hindu religious paradigm".

Dr. Hahnemann declared himself as a Deist. Though he was raised with Christian beliefs, he came to reject the teachings of Christ. Dr.Hahnemann is quoted to have said that the principles of Confucius were higher than those of Christ, who he called a "fervid emotionalist." Detaching himself from the Christian Church, he drifted into spiritualism and the occult.

Dr. Hahnemann's had no descendants, even though he had eleven children. It would appear that his household was destroyed because he opened them up to the attacks of Satan.

Homeopathic theories are completely contrary to the principles of science and logic. To believe that infinitely diluted liquid has a curing effects on the human body would mean that the fundamental principles of physics and biochemistry are false. Homeopathy simply does not adhere to God's natural law.

Hahnemann and his colleague wrote that "Man is a spiritual being and only the spirit can heal the body. Illness only exists because the spirit of man considers that illness can exist. By presenting to the spirit the correct medicine...the spirit changes it's considerations, and the illness is gone." He also said that "homeopathic medicines probably have no direct action upon the physical body of the organism." This ties in with the new age concept that "if you believe hard enough it will become true". The very fact that it only works if you believe in it, is evidence of a supernatural force.

Homeopathic practitioners claim, "Death has no further power over man, the homeopaths have taken away his sting!"

As you and I both know, ONLY CHRIST JESUS has conquered death!

All quotes taken from The Biblical Guide to Alternative Medicine
by Dr. Neil Anderson and Dr. Michael Jacobson, as well as other information. I highly recommend this book.

For further information on the life and history of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann: http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/532.html
Disclaimer: I do not necessarily support the views stated in the articles on whonamedit.com.


Ashley Sebo said...

Ah! You updated!!!

Hi Kayleen! i'm glad your using your blog! I missed it!

Love you! hugs!

Pollock Family said...

Hello Kayleen,

Nice to have met you via your blog:) I just wanted to thank you for your writing. We agree with you whole heartedly on your homeopathy post and the soy post. It was very interesting to read the background to both of these. It is so refreshing to hear truth!! God Bless you as you strive to please the Lord Jesus Christ in serving Him.
We would love to hear back from you. Just click on the link to our blog.

Mrs. P for the Pollocks

The Pollock Family said...

Kayleen, It was good hearing from you. I can't tell you for sure how I found your blog. I'm thinking it was from the Wissmanns, but I can't be sure. Anyway, it is a blessing however I found it:)

God Bless You,
Mrs. P from way down south
e-mail: thepollockfamily10@gmail.com

Joyful Notes said...

Beautiful blog, Cuz! I love you!